ACEZ Mandate

The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) Act No. 17 of 2010 requires that Consulting Engineers practicing in Zambia are registered with the Engineering Registration Board (EngRB) and be members of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Zambia (ACEZ)

Membership of the ACEZ is open to all Consulting Engineers who meet the minimum requirements prescribed in the ACEZ Constitution. A copy of the ACEZ Constitution is available on request from the ACEZ Secretariat. However, the key requirements are outlined below.


Firm/Company membership applications shall be supported by at least one Partner/Director who is registered by the Engineering Registration Board as an Engineer and is resident in Zambia. The Partner/Director should meet the minimum qualifications for individual membership of the ACEZ or should already be a member of the ACEZ. Where such a Partner/Director is not a member of ACEZ, his/her application for membership should be attached to that for the firm/company.


Submission of completed application form duly signed by authorized representative (include Power of Attorney) accompanied by the following: Company Registration Certificate (in Country of origin), List of Partners/Directors including; full names, passport number, residential address and office address. Short profile of each Partner/Director should be given. A Company Profile including membership of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)


Individuals applying for Full membership of the ACEZ shall be Principals (Partner, Director or Shareholders) of firms/companies that are members of the ACEZ or qualify for membership. Where such firms/companies are not members of ACEZ, the application for the firm/company should accompany that of the Principal. Sole practitioners registered by the Engineering Registration Board may also apply. Submission of the form with the Documents required in the link below.

Having been established in 1966, ACEZ continues, to support its members to offer quality engineering consultancy services to both the public and private sectors in Zambia and internationally.


An Association of Consulting Engineers visualizing Zambia with world-class infrastructure developed by Zambians


To facilitate provision of valuable, innovative and sustainable engineering solutions for the benefit of society

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